All my papers online, take them at your
 Own Risk!!
 some of them arent even mine, so I'm not even sure how good they are.**

Zoology project paper on "Food Preference in Mice"

Botany Project on "Electrostimulation of Plants"

White Eyed Females vs. Wild Eyed Males in Drosophila melanogaster


Dioabetes Mellitus

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Solar Energy

Method of Lagrange's Multipliers
drawing You ever get bored enough in class to actually go back and fill in your drawings with color

My favorite is the sea horse in the bottom corner

Check out the individual grains of sand...

Elitism in Democracy

The End of Liberty Online

Gender Roles in Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice"

"That Time of Year Thou Mayst in Me Behold" by William Shakespeare


New Historicist Critical Approach to Beloved

Early Labor Disputes in North Carolina**

Early Industry in North Carolina**

North Carolina's Treatment of African Americans Around the Turn of the Century**

Nice little Page/Papers on Malaysia